New year, New blog

The past year was definitely the most eventful year of my life and flew by WAY too fast! I have been wanting to start a lifestyle blog for the past few years and decided to just go for it so I can record and reflect back. Cheers to an amazing year!

In 2016, my wife had heart surgery, a second foot surgery within 6 months, we had a disrupted adoption match, adopted our baby girl from birth, I became a stay at home mom, and a wide variety of other fun surprises that can happen during a year span :). Life is always a little crazy but it is the way you handle each situation that makes you who you are.   

I am a proud wife & mom, vegetarian, beach lover, introvert, competitive, strong willed, and kind hearted. Hope you are ready to start this amazing adventure with me and my crazy family of 4….it should be a fun ride! 

Follow my blog for insider peeks to a Southern girl living in the Midwest. 

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